The Deep Collaboration Fundamentals is a learning program to build foundational skills in the practice of Deep Collaboration.

Whether its big picture systems change at a national level, or working locally to improve ways to address inequities, the skills and awareness of Deep Collaboration can help in navigating between First Nations and other Australians. 

We have seen an increased understanding and appreciation of using symbols of recognition for First Nations in Australia. We have also witnessed an increase in demand to address important tangible outcomes from the business, philanthropy, community and government sectors. In addition to this context, Australia is currently developing State-wide Treaties and learning into our post-referendum context. Now is a good time to improve your skills and awareness to work more effectively across culture and power in the collaboration space between First Nations and other Australians.

The Deep Collaboration Fundamentals is a blended online learning program aiming to build foundational skills and awareness in the practice of Deep Collaboration.

This 4 x half-day workshop is designed for practitioners and leaders to increase their awareness and understanding of the patterns of behaviour and dynamics of power that show up in the collaboration space.

Whether you are a facilitator, leader for an initiative or part of a team that works with First Nations and other Australians, this online workshop series can improve your awareness and increase your understanding to make you more effective in leading change together.

Who is this workshop series for?

  • People with existing cultural competency experience and/or training
  • Those who have experience working in a cross-cultural context
  • Those who are leading initiatives that require working across differences and include First Nations people
  • People who are seeking to improve understanding of the power and conflict dynamics in the systems with First Nations and other Australians

For enquiries, contact

Please read the Learning Program: Terms and Conditions before purchase.

Course Details

Course Outcomes

  • Their personal awareness of power
  • The different types of power that show up when working in First Nations and other Australian Collaborations
  • How to build a container for change to work with power & race
  • Working with different types of power that show up when working in First Nations and other Australian collaborations
  • Influencing changes in the conditions for first nations collaborations
  • Identify the different types of power in others
  • Apply the knowledge of power when working in the context of First Nations and other Australians collaborations

Learning Process

Throughout the workshop series, participants will:

  • Be provided with preparation activities and readings to increase cultural awareness
  • Work in a small group to deepen learning application to your context
  • Case in point facilitation; working with the dynamics of the group in real-time
  • Have unstructured reflection time to consolidate learning

4 x half-day workshop series & 4 hours of guided online learning

Tuesday 7 November 2023, 9:30 am to 1 pm AEDT
Friday 10 November 2023, 9:30 am to 1 pm AEDT
Wednesday 15  November 2023, 9:30 am to 1 pm AEDT
Friday 17 November 2023, 9:30 am to 1 pm AEDT

Participants will be required to set aside approximately 2 hours between sessions for personal reflection and pre-reading.

The workshop series will be hosted on Zoom. Participants will be required to download Zoom and Chrome in order to be able to participate.

We encourage all participants to use their video throughout. Internet access is required to participate.

We recommend participants use a desktop/ laptop whilst participating (rather than a mobile phone).

Participants will be given access to CFIs Learning Management Systems where workshop materials and resources will be made available.

Price per person (+ GST):

Standard $ 1200
Not-for-profit $ 1090
Group discount (bookings of 3+) $ 990

A 10% discount is available when you purchase 3 or more events (as one purchase) in CFI’s Systems Change Learning Program 2023-24. Please read the Learning Program: Terms and Conditions before purchase.

Get in touch for package offers, large group discounts and tailored sessions for your organisation.



Fiona Mann Bobongie

Fiona Mann Bobongie is a Darumbal Woman with bloodlines to Vanuatu and New Caledonia. Fiona has 4 daughters, 5 grandsons and a beautiful granddaughter. Fiona studied the Bachelor of Learning Management at Central Queensland University and is currently a Higher Degree Research Candidate for an Education Doctorate at QUT. Fiona is a registered teacher and has worked in Education for 35 plus years regionally, nationally (every Australian State) and internationally as a Education facilitator of Professional Development since 2010 – working in different contexts: city, rural, regional, remote and very remote communities.

Fiona has recently been instrumental in the setting up and the creation of the Federally funded Mackay Connected Beginnings project which is directed and guided by community voice. This year will be the 6th year that Fiona currently manages her own consultancy business called Cyclic Konnectionz, in which she works with schools, organisations and workplaces to build Cultural Capability to value our First Nations People. Facilitation of Co-design Forums is a specialty. During the time facilitated powerful conversations for 3 Councils (Mackay, Whitsunday and Iscaac) for suicide prevention.


Angela Rutter

Angela Rutter was born in Rabaul, PNG of Scottish, English and Irish ancestry and is living on border country of Djarra, Wurundjeri and Taunguraung lands. She is a values led engagement, civic leadership and social change practitioner guided by a desire to contribute to a world where community, social equity and nature is at the heart of what we do. She brings with her experience working across non-profit organisations, social enterprises, councils, corporate, government and political parties to create civic leadership capacity. She has over 15 years’ experience in civic leadership design, development & facilitation, and working with people, teams, & groups for collective leadership which does right by people and planet.

Deep Collaboration Lead

Mark Yettica-Paulson

An Indigenous leader from the South East Queensland and North East NSW regions, Mark Yettica-Paulson was formerly the Strategic Business Manager and key presenter for Australians Together’s workshops and presentations.

Mark brings decades of wisdom from his career in leadership development and community education across the corporate and government sectors. He is also a co-author of Lost conversations: Finding new ways for black and white Australians to lead together launched in November 2014.

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